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Low volume manufacturing refers to the production of 10,000 to 100,000 parts, depending on the manufacturing technique used, the processes involved, the tooling, and materials, among others. It is a strategy used by many companies when introducing a new product because scaling fast into mass production entails a lot of risks.

The practice of low volume manufacturing can be more efficient and very effective. All you need is proper integration and a little help from technology. Let us look at how to accomplish this, in five easy steps.

Connecting Digitally

From conceiving the idea to realization, you have to do it right in every stage of the product cycle. However, if your data management is ancient, it would not be possible. Have a digital thread that connects your data from design to manufacturing and up to the supply chain. With a seamless flow of data, all the stakeholders are empowered with the right information. It enables agility resulting in the creation of life-changing products.

Low volume production parts

Low volume production parts

Completing the Product Development Process

Visualizing a successful delivery of a product from design to market is easy but there are unseen details that could hamper the whole operation. First of all, speed is important. If you want to get ahead of the competition, you need to think ahead to deliver ideas quickly to the fickle-minded market. To have a successful product development process, you need to integrate all the departments since they impact each other.

Connecting the Teams

In low-volume manufacturing, you have a close-knit group that works together. Like in connecting the processes and the data, you have to bring diverse teams together. When they discuss and debate new perspectives, questions, or solutions, it will be a fruitful encounter. You can harness their expertise by letting them collaborate on the project.

Using Leading Technology

There are many benefits the digital revolution has brought – additive manufacturing, digital solutions, augmented reality, etc. With these tools, you can use them not only in the design process but in the entire product life cycle too. Your team has to ensure that these technologies work to their advantage.

Proper Supply Chain Management

One important cog in low-volume manufacturing is the supply chain. If the supply chain breaks down, all the designing, development, and prototyping will go to waste. Even if you have a great idea or design, if you cannot deliver it, then the product will fail. It applies to both low volume manufacturing and mass production. Improper sourcing, long lead times, or supply chain are risks that should be avoided, or else your product will fail to deliver.

Supply chain management is necessary throughout the whole product life cycle. You need to be agile and flexible to absorb the changes in volumes, mitigate risks, and manage rapid production. It requires experience and the right tools.


In low-volume manufacturing, you have to get the foundations right to deliver the products in the right quality, at the desired quantity, and at the right time. Each of the elements we have discussed above is important. It all contributes to the success of low-volume manufacturing as a manufacturing strategy.