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If you have a CNC shop, here are some of the characteristics associated with this technology that you should know.

CNC machining has become a staple in the manufacturing industry. There are very few products that aren’t created using one of the many variations of this technology. Just in 2020, the CNC industry was shy of the 5 billion dollar milestone in revenue alone. This manufacturing procedure’s added value comes from every angle: Improved logistics, better quality, satisfied customers, and steady workflow for many workshops.

If you own a CNC machining workshop, here are some of the traits related to this technology that you have to look for to keep your clients in this new year. By paying attention to these, you’ll ensure your competitiveness in an industry that is evolving every single day:

Keep Your Software Updated

CNC machining is a computer-generated manufacturing technique that relies heavily on software. The most obvious call to action to anyone with a machining workshop is to have the software to operate their machines. If you wonder why it’s so important, the main reason can be summarized by the ability to get more business. Many CNC machines created in the last four years can do brand new tooling as long as they have up to date software. If you have a client with a special request, your chances of losing your client based on a lack of software are very high.

Upgrade to 6-Axis Machining Tools

CNC machining started with the basic three-bladed tool that was able to accomplish many things. The recent upgrade of 6-axis machines is a whole new ball game for workshops around the globe. It allows CNC machines to create more intricate shapes and forms by tooling material from four different angles. This also means that you can work with more precision on a smaller scale. If your workshop handles low volume manufacturing, this tool will be a plus for you, and it will allow you to get specialized business from people who are forced to place large orders in other companies.

CNC machining parts

CNC machining parts

Keep your Personnel Trained

New software and new hardware always bring new features to the table, and it’s essential we learn everything that has been improved with them. Even if the procedures on them are similar to what we already know—keeping the people working for you properly trained means that productivity has a higher chance of going up. As you can guess, this can only bring long terms benefits to your workshop.

Aim for the Small Guy

We mentioned low volume manufacturing earlier. 2021 is the year where many ideas will take off, and many people will be looking for those who can bring their projects to life. Make sure to get business from the small entrepreneur. They may not rank the big bucks that larger clients are able to pay, but they will be consistent in looking out for your services if you choose to take their projects.