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Modern workshops are still dealing with the timeless old classic in the manufacturing industry: providing a durable product at a low cost. Rapid prototyping was a game-changer for the industry. Such was the impact that a host of new players got into the game, and many of them are fighting to offer the next best thing in innovation. While this may sound like the fiercest competition ever, it’s also an invitation to push forward when it comes to development. After all, once a manufacturing company makes a breakthrough, the others will surely follow their model.

As such, the manufacturing industry runs on the oldest fuel of all: money. These new developments, these new technologies are all about making the most profit and shorting the times of production for a world that is facing an ever-increasing demand of this industry. Rapid prototyping combined with other development techniques can do wonders for corporations who can now exist without the main factory. Not only is this time-saving, but it’s also cost-effective. We can dig more in-depth to learn how we can increase profit margins if we move our pieces the right way. 

The Main Grace – Saving money

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past ten years, you probably know about Crocs. The brand is infamous for putting some of the ugliest shoes out there, but they create a product that caters to a specific audience. It turns out their design treats well the feet of paid professionals who are always standing or should work while standing up. Doctors, chefs, nurses, and sailors are the main customers of this brand.

This company currently has a net worth of half a billion dollars with just a quarter of that in assets. Want to know their secret? They do not have a workshop to manufacture their product. They outsource everything. That is a bold move, but it’s one that paid off since the company reported sales of almost 143 million in 2020, a year that saw a significant increase in demand for their product since many medical professionals worked around the clock.

Saving Money with Your Idea

3D printing and rapid prototyping can take you very far, but only if you learn the ropes first. Both manufacturing procedures will bring your idea to life. But only the right design, engineering, tooling, and machining will make things happen. While saving money is the benefit you are looking for in the long run, the cold hard truth is that you can’t cut corners in the beginning. Your products need a solid footing, and for that to happen, you need to invest.

Your finished mold will be the moneymaker, but only if it’s built with the right specs. A lot of cash can go into optimized design, but the overall cost is peanuts compared to the bui8lding processes of the past. Once you have you have your million-dollar idea; it’s time to go into production. Many manufacturing workshops will help you learn more about your design and cut the fat from it to get to the point where you’ll be ranking profits because you have the right knowledge at hand.