(+86) 760 8996 7810 sales@nice-rapidtooling.com
What Are the Indirect Methods of Rapid Tooling?

What Are the Indirect Methods of Rapid Tooling?

There are two broad, rapid tooling categories. One involves approaches indirectly making use of quick tooling master techniques for producing a mold. The other uses an approach directly where the machine of rapid tooling creates the real core and cavity mold insert....
An overview of rapid tooling

An overview of rapid tooling

Rapid tooling is an injecting mould tooling that enables an individual to get parts fast and cheap. It has been favoured by several names such as prototype tooling, soft tooling, etc. It is crucial to differentiate between its concept and realization because there are...
The Significance of Rapid Tooling

The Significance of Rapid Tooling

With the introduction of modern-day tooling guides, producing more and more prototypes has now become easier and safer too. When trying to bring some hacks to notice, the latest trend-setter has been the use of rapid tooling. This process refers to the use of...

NICE Rapid Announces ISO 9001 Certification

After one year of preparation, NICE rapid model company, from preparing documents, adjusting management, optimizing processes, to on-site rectification, finally passed the ISO 9001 audit on December 29, 2019. What is ISO 9001? ISO 9001 is transformed from the...