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Just when you thought that CNC was the latest craze in injection moulding and that computers could help no more, we have a look at how software can ensure issues with injection molded parts are a thing of the past, making both engineers and customers smile again, as well as discussing how engineers are still more than relevant in today’s computer dominated world.

How can software help an engineer produce a better part? Firstly, you need a good engineer. I know you were hoping that the software will do all the work, but like flying a plane, there has to be someone in charge who can check and input the correct data initially, in order for the software to work at its optimum level. If the initial information input into the software is incorrect or just plain impossible, the software will say so – but not necessarily tell you where the error has occurred.

Secondly, much of the cheaper software available today focuses on specific areas of the part, such as wall thickness, sink and suchlike. Top end CAD will be able to run simulations of the entire tooling process from start to finish, but this comes with a price tag to match and is something that only injection moulding company will find cost effective to purchase. The good news for company wishing to produce parts is that they can now have the best of both worlds – access to the software in initial part design, as well as the expertise and experience of the engineer to ensure their design is a perfect success.

What will the software take into account when running a simulation of the moulding process? Generally the filling of the mould with resin, the temperature at which this occurs, wall thickness limitations and sinking and warpage during cooling are all aspects that good software will run through in its simulation. However, this is where the trained eye of a good engineer is also worth its weight in gold and, if man and software work well together, we definitely have a winning partnership of man and machine!