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NICE Rapid Blog

Latest news and knowledge to share.

Family Moulds – The Lowdown

Family moulds are used to create several parts of a prototype and are able to be accommodated in the same mould in order to reduce costs and production times. Obviously, these reasons attract many to consider a family mould when they are contemplating their initial...

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Blending and Mixing Materials

Mixing materials into a blend for an injection moulding project is sometimes required in order to provide the final product with specific properties or to enable it be to used for critical applications in medicine, aviation or the automotive sectors. There are several...

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Has 3D Printing Made Injection Moulding Obsolete?

We all know that people want things as fast as possible, at the cheapest price and of the best quality and sometimes it is only new technology or thinking that can deliver this perfect combination. In our case, 3D printing has been the big "disruptor" in the business...

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Multiple Material Injection Moulding

As we have discussed preciously, it is sometimes necessary to combine different resin materials in a single moulding job in order to enjoy the benefits of both materials for a particular type of production. Relying on single materials for injection moulding is...

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Scientific Moulding – The Future?

Exciting new advancements in injection moulding, now mean that high-precision moulding for production of scientific and medical devices is now a reality. This has partially occurred due to new precision injection moulding machines now replacing older and less precise...

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Food Packaging Boost!

Food packaging is looking to get a boost due to the ingenious work of Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, based at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. They intend to research the use of clear bio-based plastics in the manufacturing process, so as to ensure a...

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Can Over-Moulding Decrease Costs?

We are all looking to decrease costs and tooling time. Often, by looking at how each process works independently, we can find a way to refine our production methods and improve our processes. The use of over-moulding to decrease production costs is a case in point and...

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Insert Moulding – What & How?

During the moulding process, it may be that you would like to incorporate other materials in the design to create the finished prototype. This is undertaken by adding 'inserts' into the mould prior to the injection of the resin, which remain when the part is ejected...

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Intelligent CAD for Injection Moulding

Just when you thought that CNC was the latest craze in injection moulding and that computers could help no more, we have a look at how software can ensure issues with injection molded parts are a thing of the past, making both engineers and customers smile again, as...

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Prototype and Manufacturing Services Near By

Rapid Prototyping Services

Turn your ideas into reality fast with our rapid prototyping services. From concept to 3D printing, we bring your vision to life quickly and accurately. Stay ahead of the curve and accelerate your product development process with us.

Silicone Molding

Experience seamless production with our silicone molding expertise. Our precise techniques ensure high-quality, custom molds that bring your designs to life with exceptional detail and durability. Whether you’re crafting prototypes or mass-producing products, our silicone molding services offer efficiency and reliability, empowering you to achieve your goals with confidence.