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Despite rapid developments in the manufacturing sector, there are still three key issues that manufacturers have to still grapple with; cost, quality, and speed. These three things have been a huge concern for many manufacturers.

To get the right balance, you need to use a manufacturing technique that will complement your project. The good news is, 3D printing provides you with the perfect solution catering to all of your manufacturing needs and preference.

Throughout its 30-year existence of this production technology, 3D printing with the assistance of other technologies has been used to create complex parts, products, and prototypes. It has also been used to bridge the gap in production shortening the production cycle.

3D printing is primarily an additive production making it suitable for the production of huge volumes, the recent technological advancement is the 3D printing sector has led to significant improvements in manufacturing, and here are some of the reasons why this is the case.

Improved and enhanced quality

The print quality and machine reliability of 3D printers have improved significantly in the recent past, what this means is the parts and products produced will have high dimensional stability as well as smooth surface finishing

The improved software solutions, as well as the material used, have mitigated all the weaknesses reducing the time and money used in production set-up ensuring you reap high turnovers ensuring profitability of your project.

Speed advancement

The printing tech coupled with intelligent digital software advancements has brought together a global design team to exchange design ideas and specifications virtually especially during this COVID-19 pandemic period.

3D printing parts

3D printing parts

In comparison with having a physical and in-person representation, it saves a lot of time spent from prototyping to full-time production. By doing so will bring the manufacturing process closer to the end-user or consumer.

Cost-effective and economical

When it comes to additive manufacturing, they require limited raw-materials. Hence, there will be no need to build an inventory. As a result, more producers are opting to use this manufacturing technique which drives down the prices of key raw materials.

Another benefit that comes with 3D printing is it allows you to create complex and intricate parts all the whilst using just a single machine. With manufacturing done in a centralized location allowing for local distribution, thus bringing closer all the clients which further reduces the cost incurred in warehousing or transportation.

Access to top talent

Earlier on we had mentioned that there are three things that every manufacturer requires; cost, quality, and speed. The only missing piece is talent, in the manufacturing industry it’s filled with a huge talent gap, but this is not the case with additive manufacturing as it’s filled with plenty of real techniques and skills.

Additive manufacturing and customization 

One of the key benefits of additive manufacturing is its ability to handle large-scale customization, the future of production is forming a direct link with consumers and additive manufacturing will provide you with the missing link.

When you customize your parts and products, it will provide your clients with a better experience and performance.