(+86) 760 8996 7810 sales@nice-rapidtooling.com

New Year, new look! That is the mantra at the new-and-improved NICE Rapid this January, as we celebrate an updated name, colour scheme and logo for our company. Our MD, Steven, has toiled long and hard to develop a logo and colour scheme that matches our fantastic ethos and customer service excellence, along with our in-depth knowledge of injection moulding, CNC machining and general engineering wonderfulness! With that winning combination, who couldn’t fail to be impressed!

Firstly, yes, we are still NICE Rapid-Tooling, experts in all the above rapid engineering fields, but we did think that the name could be a little more catchy. A lot of our customers already refer to us as NICE or NICE Rapid, so we thought we would take that feedback and shorten our name to NICE Rapid! It’s quicker to say, quicker to type and, not only that, it suits our nice, rapid, tooling philosophy. What is there not to like??? Nice!

Secondly, it was decided that we needed to find a colour scheme that reflected our personality and warm, soothing nature – purple and pink it was. We hope that the choice of colours ties in well with the updated logo, so as to increase awareness of our company, while at the same time ensuring that our loyal customers still think of us when they see the new design on our stationary and website. What do you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts!