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There are plenty of techniques to create prototypes, and vacuum casting is one of them. If you are wondering why it is one of the preferred means of prototyping, the answer is simple. It is fast, cost-effective, and creates a perfect replica of the master model.

Vacuum casting, or what others referred to as polyurethane casting or urethane casting, was introduced in Europe in the 1960s, and from then, it was a widely used manufacturing method, particularly in developing plastic prototypes.

Effective and Flexible

Other than being less expensive, vacuum casting is also flexible and effective. You can create high-quality prototypes and low-volume end-use products when you use this production method. Even if this is a multi-step process, it is a lot faster than other methods.

The vacuum casting process uses casting resins and silicone molds that are guaranteed to make a perfect copy of the master pattern. These copies or prototypes can be used for form and functional testing or as 3D models for campaigns.

Here are more reasons why vacuum casting is a popular prototyping method.

Benefits of Vacuum Casting

Depending on the design requirements, making parts and prototypes through vacuum casting can have plenty of benefits, including:

Quick Results

Vacuum casting is a quick rapid prototyping technique. The process is fast and can produce a working model in just a matter of days. When you have a deadline to beat, or there are urgent needs, you can rely on this process to cope with the demand.

Vacuum casting prototypes services

Vacuum casting prototypes services

More economical

Since the material, silicone, used in vacuum casting is inexpensive, and the mold can produce many prototypes, this process can reduce your production cost without sacrificing quality. That is perfect, especially for those who need parts in small quantities.

Better product quality

Another reason why vacuum casting is a preferred prototyping method is that it produces high-quality parts. The process is not only fast, but it is also capable of responding to the manufacturing requirements. The parts produced have better structural integrity and possess hardness and rigidity. With the application of pressure, the absence of air pockets reinforces the mechanical properties of the product.

Better quality finish

Because silicone is used as the mold material, you can expect the final result from the vacuum casting process to have an excellent finish and accurately resembles the master pattern. It can even capture the smallest details in the final product.

Vacuum casting is also a good option when the design has a lot of complexity and thin walls. Other methodologies may not be able to respond to this but not vacuum casting.

Vacuum Casting for Prototyping

Compared to other manufacturing methods like rapid injection molding, vacuum casting is quicker and more economical. You can achieve similar results with faster lead times and flexibility. This is ideal when the product turnaround time is tight. With vacuum casting, rapid prototyping becomes more convenient and will not create a bottleneck in the production timeline. Thus, removing any hassle in the business stream.